Opinsys Oy

Opinsys OS releases and changes

The following changelog lists Opinsys OS (operating system) releases and changes after the previous version. In addition to the described changes, each release contains the latest security related software updates (for example, updates to the latest web browsers).


## O2440 - Epidaurum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-10-01-062223-amd64}

The Abicus calculator and the Draw.io application are now directly included and can be found, for example, in the Abitti applications menu.

### Known issues

### Technical changes

- Addition: Launcher for the Greenfoot application has been added to the menu.
- Addition: The zbarcam barcode reader application has been added to the image for testing purposes, but it is not yet found in the menu.
- Change: The TSO feature is now disabled by default on exam servers using I219 network cards.
The change is intended to improve the performance of the network cards. This setting is also used on YTL's Linux exam servers.

## O2436 - Dubris {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-09-03-053532-amd64}

The preinstalled Teams client in the Internet category of the application menu has not worked properly for all users since the summer. The application is essentially a web service running in the browser but appears as an independent application. The application settings have now been updated, and it is functioning normally. 

There have been several different issues with printing, resulting in unreliable printing. The root causes of these problems have now been identified, and the reliability and fault tolerance of the printing system have been improved. 

Abicus is a function calculator included in the Abitti2 exam system. The application can now be installed separately upon request and will appear in, for example, the Accessories and Abitti2 menus in the application menu. In future updates, the application will come pre-installed in the system. 

Ketcher is a chemical structure drawing application included in the Abitti2 exam system. The application is browser-based, and a link to its demo version can be found in, for example, the Education Software and Abitti2 menus in the application menu. 

Draw.io is a vector graphics application included in the Abitti2 exam system. The application can now be installed separately upon request and will appear in, for example, the Graphics and Abitti2 menus in the application menu. In future updates, the application will come pre-installed in the system. 

- Add: Ability to install the Metacom symbol writing application

- Add: Ability to install the Greenfoot programming environment

### Known Issues

### Technical Changes
- Add: New puavo-conf variables have been added to the system for investigating printing issues, to increase logging of the components of the CUPS printing system: ```puavo.printing.debug.cups``` and ```puavo.printing.debug.cups-browsed```. 

## O2432 - Condate {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-08-07-101450-amd64}

This update is a routine security update. This update also includes a few underlying technical changes that are not visible in the basic use of the operating system.

### Known issues

### Technical changes

- Space usage/file storage of boot server image/rdiff syncs has been optimized in a situation where the disk is full.
- Device xrandr information now comes to devices from all device types (infotv, test server, stick factory, etc.)

## O2425 - Bonna {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-06-17-122821-amd64}

Guest login did not work on fatclient devices due to the changes of the previous update.
The problem is now fixed.

An icon for the Molview web application has been added to the Education menu in the Menu application menu.

The Handbrake application has been added to the audio and video menu. It can be used for example for video
files to a few different video formats.

### Known issues

### Technical changes

- Addition: The disk image now has support for hidden WLAN networks set from the device manager
- Change: The applet of the exam server shows the name of the exam according to the revised exam divider

## O2420 - Apulum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-05-15-063342-amd64}

These applications can be installed centrally from the organization's device management.
After installation, the programs appear in the Programming menu.

In case Opinsys laptop is set to "Factory reset mode" in the device manager,
it has a Windows operating system installed and the device is not online, the system offers an opportunity
to connect to the network using the text-based nmtui user interface.

### Known issues

### Technical changes

- Updated iDiD app

## O2415 - Xanthos {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-04-10-103243-amd64}

   It is now possible to use the PASCO physics measuring devices with PASCO's new browser-based SparkVUE
   using the application. The application runs on Google's Chrome browser and can be found at
   https://sparkvue.pasco.com/ . Depending on the measuring device, it can be used either with Bluetooth or
   USB connection. You can find out the compatibility of your device on PASCO's product sites.

   In the future, Google Chrome and Chromium browsers have Web bluetooth functionality available by default.
   In practice, this means that for example Vernier or programmable Lego SPIKE devices work out of the box 
   with on their own web apps (e.g. https://graphicalanalysis.app/). No user made settings are required anymore.
### Known issues
- SSO does not work on Google's Chromium/Chrome browsers in a situation where a browser is used with a certain username
 for the first time. The problem is solved when the page refreshes again. 

### Technical changes

- Add: In the future, Abitti test servers will collect Munin device statistics data about e.g. server load.
- Change: Local Nextcloud functionality developed further and fixes made.
- Add: Added udev rules, e.g. For Lego, PASCO and Microbit USB devices, so that the user has write permissions
of their programming environments.

## O2410 - Venetiae {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-03-05-100921-amd64}

  It is now possible to use Abitti compatible exam server mode (puavo-ers) without the ktp-api
  automation. This is usefull if the device is going to be used as a server in a matricultation
  examination test where such automation should be switched off.
  These applications can be installed via organizations device management.

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Naksu-/Matriculation examination ERS mode can be activated via ```puavo.ers.mode = naksu``` -puavo-conf.

## O2406 - Ulpia Noviomagus Batavorum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-02-09-112304-amd64}

  Kantti is an educational game in Visual Novel format intended for education about for substance abuse and mental health.
  It is available as separately installable puavo-pkg package and can be launched after installation from ```Menu > Games > Kantti```.
  Windows installation on dualboot laptop can now be resetted to factory settings via Laptop settings on the desktop or when resetting the
  device from the Puavo Web device registry.
  In Webkiosk-device profile Web browser is now in fullscreen by default in active session timeout can be changed by device configuration.
  From now on the School specific links under the bootservers shared folders are displayed based on the schools the server is limited to 
  at the Puavo web device configuration.

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: New puavo-conf ```puavo.grub.timeout``` makes it possible to customize the time the menu is show on device boot. If the value is set to 
```0```, the menu will not be displayed.

## O2402 - Turicum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2024-01-10-121732-amd64}

- Fix: The language selection interface of the Webkiosk guest session has been improved and its operation has been fixed. In addition, German language has been added as a new language to the language selection.
- Fix: The operation of the test server has been corrected to comply with the latest Abit, so that students' test sessions are not interrupted until the tests have actually been decided.

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: When resetting machine devices to factory settings, the so-called default is used in every situation. secure deletion. If the device has an SSD disk, remove it using the discard/trim functionality and overwrite the files on HDD hard disks.
- Addition: ``faketime'' and ``psensor'' packages.

## O2349 - Salernum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-12-05-102040-amd64}

- Fix: Google Chrome didn't open when opened on another fat client if Chrome was not closed by the user
- Fix: Virtual keyboard is not displayed on top of the desktop menu by default on touchscreen devices

## O2344 - Roma {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-11-02-113644-amd64}

- Add: Arduino IDE 2 application (puavo-pkg)
- Add: Xournal++ application (puavo-pkg)
- Add: Ipevo Visualizer application for Ipevo branded document cameras(puavo-pkg)
- Add  Experimental support for Logitech Spotlight presentation remote (puavo-pkg)

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add ```puavo-reset-windows``` commandline tool to reset dualboot Windows to factory settings
- Fix: Configuring random background images for the login screen using ```puavo.greeter.background.random.dir```puavo-conf
- Change: Update puavo-disk-erase
- Change: Update bootserver Nextcloud functionality
- Update: Rustdesk application

## O2340 - Qus {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-10-04-074857-amd64}
- Fix: First login on laptops without access to bootserver (from public internet) did not work
- Fix: Rustdesk launcher icon

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add Citrix client
- Fix Possible corruption of puavo-pkg packages during installation/update
- Fix puavo ERS logging

## O2338 - Poetovium {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-09-22-105643-amd64}

Priorities of centrally managed WLAN connections can be changed in Puavo-Web. Additionally, password protected wireless networks are preferred over open networks as default.

- Add: Optimization of molecular geometry available in Avogadro

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: WLAN connections added by guest user are cleaned up at logout and reboot
- Change: Puavo-bios-config verifies the checksums of BIOS updates if available, and other small improvements
- Change: Small improvements to puavo-ers-applet logging
- Update: Rustdesk updated to version 1.2.2
- Add: Image viewer Geeqie

## O2333 - Ovilava {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-08-18-105516-amd64}
- Change: Sound device chooser in the menu bar has been switched to one with better support for different kinds of devices
- Update: Rustdesk updated to version 1.2.1  

## O2338 - Poetovium {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-09-22-105643-amd64}

Priorities of centrally managed WLAN connections can be changed in Puavo-Web. Additionally, password protected wireless networks are preferred over open networks as default.

- Add: Optimization of molecular geometry available in Avogadro

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: WLAN connections added by guest user are cleaned up at logout and reboot
- Change: Puavo-bios-config verifies the checksums of BIOS updates if available, and other small improvements
- Change: Small improvements to puavo-ers-applet logging
- Update: Rustdesk updated to version 1.2.2
- Add: Image viewer Geeqie

## O2333 - Ovilava {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-08-18-105516-amd64}
- Change: Sound device chooser in the menu bar has been switched to one with better support for different kinds of devices
- Update: Rustdesk updated to version 1.2.1

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Puavo OS Console recognizes Wi-Fi 6 modems, touchscreens, and safety screens on some HP models
- Change: Progressive Web App identifiers have been changed
- Change: Puavo-init-ldap-slave builds the database in mdb format on bootservers. The database should be initialized to this format before any future Bookworm updates.
- Fix: Laptop setup tool did not open if Abitti version was not set for the school
- Fix: Functionality of Intel-Nvidia hybrid GPU solutions has been improved
- Fix: Improved error resiliency on bootservers in cases where some network interfaces are not functional

## O2323 - Novaesium {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-06-09-092932-amd64}

- Fix: MarvinSketch connects itself as the program for opening .mrv files
- Fix: Improved waking-up-from-suspend reliability on some device models' touchpads

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Swedish translation added to user registration utility
- Add: Laptop setup utility can be configured with `puavo.laptop-setup.enable_setting` Puavo-confs
- Change: IPP printer limits on Puavoboxes were raised to improve functionality at large schools
- Change: Automatic clean-up of NVRAM and other small improvements in Puavo OS Console

## O2320 - Modoetia {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-05-17-092508-amd64}

- Fix: Improved Gnome Network Displays functionality on shared devices
- Fix: Security vulnerability https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2023-0386 has been fixed

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: Usability improvements in puavo-bootserver-smoke-test

## O2319 - Londinium {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-05-08-120033-amd64}

- Update: The compatibility layer for Windows software, Wine, has been updated, with improved support for various multimedia playback functionalities
- Update: MuseScore is updated to the new version 4.0.2

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Lumi Desktop Editor, Structorizer, and ProjectLibre can be installed by admins via puavo-pkg or by asking it from helpdesk
- Add: Progress indicator and other improvements in puavo-init-ldap-slave
- Add: puavo.networking.dns.upstream_servers option for defining DNS servers used by Puavoboxes
- Change: Usability improvements in Puavo OS Console
- Change: Cups-browsed printer browser returns to use old-type printer drivers
- Change: Only specifically enabled Puavo-pkgs are prepared for use on Puavoboxes
- Fix: Fixes and improvements in laptop reset utility

## O2313 - Kovachevsko kale {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-03-28-074633-amd64.img}

In this version, the PWAs Microsoft Teams and Vernier's Graphicalanalysis.app can be found from the program menu.

- Change: Sphere Lite camera application has been updated as a newer Chrome extension type
- Change: The colour scheme in login screen has been enhanced for better readability
- Fix: The additionally installable SMART Notebook software has been updated to a compatible version
- Fix: An issue where Java Runtime Environment opening additional windows would cause crashes has been fixed

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Support for additional program menu tabs, customizable in Puavo-Web. Please contact Opinsys support for enabling the feature.
- Fix: A rare system load issue when turning off the only monitor has been fixed
- Fix: Fatclients properly send their device information again
- Fix: Puavo-bootserver-smoke-test removes the test users it has created

## O2308 - Juliomagus {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-02-24-095959-amd64}

- Fix: Support for i.a. Korean fonts has been improved
- Fix: Display brightness controls function again in login screen
- Fix: GIMP does not crash any more when large pictures are copied to clipboard under certain circumstances
- Update: Veyon is updated to a newer version

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: The type of the devices' maintenance tunnel connection has changed, the new IP of the tunnel is
- Change: Some unused files have been cleaned up from taking space in the system image
- Change: Usability and clarity improvements in puavo-bootserver-smoke-test
- Add: Improvements to device data transmission in Puavo OS Console
- Add: Commandline tool speedtest-cli
- Fix: Improvements to netbooting the system with USB ethernet adapters
- Fix: The remaining known issues with nbd-server on bootservers have been fixed

## O2304 - Isurium {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-01-27-083115-amd64}

At startup, LoggerPro3 connects itself more actively to opening .cmbl files. Additionally, the font used by the software has been changed, allowing e.g. Greek alphabet
to be properly displayed.

KDE Connect can be used to e.g. transfer files, control the pointer, display phone notifications on computer screen, and to various other uses,
by connecting a phone and a computer over WLAN. To start using, one should download the KDE Connect app, available in various smartphone appstores,
and pair their phone with their computer in the app.

- Fix: Calculating and displaying 3D charges of molecules functions again properly in MarvinSketch
- Update: MuseScore is updated to the new version 4.0.1
- Change: Font antialiasing settings have been unified systemwide

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Commandline Apple device maintenance tools ideviceinstaller and idevicerestore are now included in the system image
- Change: Some unused files have been cleaned up from taking space in the system image
- Fix: Fixes in boot servers' nbd-server. Due to a bug still residing, nbd-server needs to be restarted if one wishes to netboot to images added to server after the server boot.
- Fix: The printer driver hpijs, which was not previously available due to a packaging fault, is again available in the system image.
- Fix: Small installer fixes in Puavo OS Console.

## O2302 - Hagae-Comitis {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2023-01-10-075548-amd64}

- Change: The screenshot tool's user interface has been revised
- Update: The compatibility layer for Windows software, Wine, has been updated

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: The remaining Python2 packages have been removed from the system image
- Add: Puavo OS Console reports "NO DISK FOUND" for devices that do not have a hard drive
- Change: The git repository used for building the system image, previously available at /puavo-os, has been replaced with the file /etc/puavo-image/puavo-os-git.log, which contains the latest git log entries

 ## O2249 - Gratianopolis {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-12-08-085623-amd64}

Rustdesk, a software that can be used for remote access and support, has been added to default software. It can be found from
`Menu > Internet > RustDesk`

- Add: Search results in program menu are categorized by program type
- Fix: Formatting of USB sticks via the shortcut in file browser sidebar wouldn't work in some cases
- Fix: User interface of Flashprint software works again properly

- Update: Veyon is updated to a newer version

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Change: Zram has been turned off as default on laptops. The feature can be turned on/off with the puavo-conf `puavo.service.zram-config.enabled`
- Add: Bitwarden can be installed by admins via puavo-pkg or by asking it from helpdesk
- Add: Thymio Suite can be installed by admins via puavo-pkg or by asking it from helpdesk
- Add: Intel non-free video acceleration drivers
- Change: Puavo-send-sysinfo sends some new device details and the latest logged user to be shown in Puavo-web.
- Add: German and Swedish translations for Laptop Settings tool

## O2243 - Flavia Solva {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-10-27-093643-amd64}
- Update: Libreoffice to version

New additionally installable application pyscrlink makes it possible to programs
different kind of educational robots with Scratch IDE. The application can be installed
via puavo-pkg which will add a "Scratch Link" launcher into the Programming menu.

- Update: Gnome network displays is updated to a newer version

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Return Filius application to the image
- Update: Trigger puavo-pkg package updates when checking configuration
- Add: System info collector sends info if device has UEFI installation
- Add: puavo-bootserver-sync-images and puavo-make-install-disk support bash completion
- Add: Printer details are automatically updated to puavo
- Update: Freeradius configuration changes
- Fix: German translation of Puavo-Veyon applet
- Fix: Make the system image smaller by removing unused/unnecessary locale and documentation files
## O2240 - Eburacum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-10-06-105238-amd64}

- Update: Lazarus IDE to version 2.2
Veyon integration has several fixes and updates. Changing the network during the desktop session 
does not prevent joining a Veyon session. Previously a login/logout was required to fix it. This update also 
changes the needed device configuration. From now on the Veyon session type (master/client)
is defined by user type. By default teacher becomes veyon master and student becomes client. Another
new feature is the possibility to invite users by their user group to join the Veyon session.

Progressive Web Applications can now be centrally activated/installed via Opinsys helpdesk or by using
`puavo.www.chromium.pwa.forcelist` puavo-conf variable. Applications are installed after making the required
setting and starting up the Chrome browser. A launcher for the application is installed to `Menu > Your programs`

- Add: Noto Color Emoji -fonts.

### Known problems
- Puavo-Veyon-Applet uses Finnish translations in German desktop sessions.

### Technical changes

- Update: Grub version 2.06-3~deb11u2
- Add: puavo-firmware package is installed by default
- Fix: Support for jetpipe printing
- Fix: Small changes to puavo-disk-erase tool
- Fix: Virtualbox update fixes possible instability problems with high io load.

## O2236 - Durocortorum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-09-08-105038-amd64}

Celestia-application is now installed by default.

Search functionality in Google Earth now actually works and it centers
the map to the search target.

The menu icons (eg. Tools menu) are now correctly displayed.

There are several small fixes to Veyon integration in this update. First of all the
UI of Veyon Master is cleaner and it automatically displays the student computers. 
The screen update frame rate has been changed to create less network traffic and make it
more responsive. Also having several simultaneous Veyon servers do not interfere each other.

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Users menu has been disabled from the System settings
- Add: Bootservers now have support for Radius server
- Fix: Guest-accounts now obey the devices puavo-conf language settings

## O2232 - Cantabrigia {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-08-08-150020-amd64}  

Mirroring displays via Miracast is now possible by using Gnome Network Displays application.
Application is available by selecting `Menu > Accessories > Gnome Network Displays`

EShare can be installed by admins via puavo-pkg or by asking it from our helpdesk.

There has been constant problems with network printing on laptops that have been suspended
and used in different networks. It is possible that there is now a fix for this problem which
is difficult to reproduce and solve. 

### Known problems

### Technical changes

- Add: Wireguard-tools package has been added to the system
- Add: New packages: flameshot, git-gui ja gitk
- Add: puavo-change-hostname tool has been added to make it easier to change laptop/bootserver hostname
- Fix: HP 3G modem (id 03f0:0c51) will be disable automatically via hwquirk as it is misbehaving and causing various problems

## O2224 - Barcino {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-06-16-122820-amd64}  
Cryptomator can be installed by admins via puavo-pkg or by asking it from helpdesk.

- Fix: Disappearing desktop panel after combination of fullscreen video and suspend

- Fix: Chrome and Chromium browsers Single sign-on (SSO) support

- Fix: Exam servers (puavo-ers) exam file handling has been improved

### Known Problems

### Technical changes

- Add: puavo-test-hardware automatic testing improved
- Add: Chinese hanyu pinyin keyboard layout.
- Add: Handbrake application 
- Fix: Removed old printing system configurations

## O2219 - Argentoratum {#opinsys-os-opinsys-bullseye-2022-05-17-091102-amd64}

This is the first release of Opinsys OS image series, based on the Debian GNU/Linux 11 Bullseye. 
This is a major update version bringing new features as well as basic level updates to the whole
system. The major changes are:
- All the applications are updated to newer versions
- Integrated Veyon classroom management application
- Better hardware support for newer computer models and peripherals.
- Automatically delete home directories of removed users (turned on by default)

### Known problems
- The desktop panel may dissappear when screen is locked / computer is suspended
during fullscreen video playback (for example Youtube, Netflix etc.).

### Technical changes